Weetpix Rum Balls

While I’ve had variations of Rum Balls, my favourite is using Weetpix as the main ingredients. Our family prefers this recipe. Somehow, it tastes more wholesome, probably because Weetpix as a cereal would fill us up at breakfast before heading off to school. It is an easy recipe and one that I used to use…

4 Generation Plum Pudding Recipe

One of the Christmas specialties in our family is the traditional plum pudding. This recipe has been in the family for about 80 years. It’s usually made in September or October, leading into Christmas. Back in the day, it used to be cooked in a copper boiler in calico. Then it was hung and stored…

Traditional Lamington vs Almington

I unveil my version of a new look-taste lamington – The Almington. The differences are, it has been dipped in real melted chocolate, then coated in almond slithers. The result is a nuttier, higher in protein, chocolatier sponge cube. I used almond slithers (protein) instead of coconut. I opted for the smooth, melted Palaistowe chocolate…

Pumpkin Fruit Cake

I’m not a fruit cake lover, but Mum’s Pumpkin Fruit Cake is an exception. It’s a light cake, easy on the palate and one that I go back for seconds and thirds. Also, I’m not a fan of sultanas by themselves, but in this cake it adds a light sweetness which adds to the cake’s…

Art of Cooking Prawns

Cooking the raw prawn is a delicately-balanced art form. One that can have grown men and women cry. Why? If, the much anticipated succulent, lightly-salted, tender prawn isn’t a pleasurable dining experience, then you’d cry too. Expectations is everything when it comes to enjoying a perfectly-textured, flavour-filled prawn. This family recipe comes from a seasoned prawn connoisseur, who has been…

Pork Chops, Roast Veggies & Apple Sauce

Fry panned pork chops, oven roasted vegetables — all topped with freshly made green apple sauce. Mmmh! Sounds delicious? It is delicious, according to my nieces when they visited the cooler climates of The Atherton Tablelands. Another easy family favourite to prep and throw together with lots of nutritional value.   Depending on your family size and…

Family Roast & Veggies

When is a family roast ‘A Family Roast’? When you sit at the table as a family to enjoy it. Recently one of my Townsville families came to visit up The Atherton Tablelands — 2000 feet above sea level and 5-10C cooler compared to Townsville. I pondered on the first evening meal together. I wanted…

Boiled Chocolate Cake – Family Favourite

Mum has been making this family favourite forever. Tried and true. It’s the only moist chocolate cake the kids and grand kids love. This recipe was given to her by my Aunty, 40 years ago. In turn it was given to my Aunty by a Home Economics teacher. By chance, many moons ago, she also…

Garlic-Tabasco BBQ Sauce

My husband makes a speciality sauce for steaks. Every time we’ve had family and friends over, they absolutely adore and find this sauce moorishly delicious. Some friends even say, ‘If you’re having a BBQ, can you make that sauce of yours?’ It is an old recipe, which has been handed down through his family.  It’s a favourite…

Puff Pastry Pizza

I love easy recipes to convert into my convection oven! Saw this on a site on  Instagram. Kimberley kindly allowed me to share. Looks like pizza making on the weekend. I love a hot piping pizza, but you can eat it cold. Ingredients Puff pastry 2 tble spns tomato puree or paste sundried tomatoes (in…

How to crackle the Crackling.

This is from one of my friends from work, who proudly christened their new home with a cracking roast pork.  Most impressive. 1. Score the pork rind and rub olive oil all over it. 2. Lightly smear salt on top – not a tonne of salt. 3. Cook pork for 1hr on 180C. 4. Turn…